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Live Your Life in BOLD, Italicized, and Underlined! equine industry inspiration keynote speaker Aug 08, 2024

Right now, someone has the same goal as you and THEY ARE STICKING WITH THE PLAN! 

Let it be you with the amazing story one year from now.  Let it be you that others look up to gain strength to achieve their goal.  Consistency is the key to achieving all goals.  If you are...

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Mules Do Well in Mounted Police Training equine industry keynote speaker women owned Aug 08, 2024

The mounts that are used by the Mounted Police must be desensitized to everything!  That is exactly what Celeste Bennett and Brandy Von Holten did this summer while attending the National Mounted Police training with Instructor Bill Richey. 

Celeste’s mule, Tucson, is a...

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If Your Instructor Doesn't Have an Instructor, You Need a New One educational program equine industry Aug 08, 2024

Before I started competing on my horse, I thought I was a good rider. After my first competition, I questioned my ability to ever compete again.  To say I was humbled would be an understatement. I was 33 years old at the time and felt like there were 8-year-olds that knew more than me. ...

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Training a Mule vs Training a Horse equine industry Jul 11, 2024

For the largest part, there is absolutely no difference in training a mule than training a horse.  I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing mule trainers, and I have yet to have one say anything differently.  However, some will openly say this statement and some will only say it...

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Benefits of Tracking Your Equine Training Time business strategies equine industry goal setting Jul 09, 2024

Tracking your time in the saddle or driving your mule can be exponentially beneficial.  Using a tracking system can be fun and rewarding.   Let’s explore reasons to track your time and the effects of your efforts, either intentional or unintentional.   

Goal Setting...

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How My Mother Influenced My Riding equine industry inspiration women owned Mar 31, 2024

I remember thinking my mom was the best horseback rider in the WORLD.  If my Shetland pony would not let me catch him, she would catch him by his tail.  If my Welch pony ran away with me, she would ride him and make him mind.  My mom always took the worst horse and I never remember...

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Mule Versatility at the Illinois Horse Fair equine industry goal setting women owned Mar 31, 2024

The Illinois Horse Fair was held in Springfield, IL March 2-4, 2018!  Amongst all the excitement from vendors, clinicians, and spectators, a huge draw was to the breed show.  The breed show showcased around twenty different acts from sidesaddle, Appaloosas, trick riders, American...

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Social Media and Cyber Bullying business strategies equine industry health journey inspiration keynote speaker women owned Feb 01, 2024

Bullying is something kids do and adults grow out of, right?  Wrong.  In fact, I feel that it even gets worse as some age.  The high school clicks that you were sure would dissipate as more important parts of our lives develop seem to show their nasty face in the equine world in...

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Mounted Archery & Shooting Fire educational program equine industry goal setting inspiration keynote speaker Feb 01, 2024

Equifest of Kansas is a three-day expo put on yearly by the Kansas Horse Council.  It is a big deal for the equine industry in Kansas and Missouri.  Equifest is vital to our trail riding facility.  We only close three times per year; Christmas, deer hunting season, and Equifest of...

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Surviving on Fear Only business strategies equine industry health journey motivational stories Jan 26, 2024

Fear of failure is my choice of personal fuel right now.  Is this fear real?  If it changes my choices in a day, then I would say YES!  Is it a bad thing?  I will let you decide.

There are three things that have me fearful in my life right now:  doing well at a large...

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Elizabeth Hartin: Always Put the Health of the Horse First equine industry goal setting health journey inspiration motivational stories women owned Dec 09, 2023


Brandy Von Holten, Elizabeth Hartin, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier


Brandy Von Holten  00:13

Today's interview is with Elizabeth Hartin, an established trainer and horsewoman. This is her story about choosing her horses health over a prestigious competition. Doing the...

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Angela Ammons: Never Let Your Disability Define You equine industry inspiration motivational stories Dec 09, 2023


Brandy Von Holten, Angela Ammons


Brandy Von Holten  00:04

Today's interview is with Angela Ammons, a friend and frequent trail guest at Von Holten Ranch. This is her story about her two-year journey to win the Country Tough Trail Versatility National Championship. Angela has...

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